Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two centimeters dilated, Jessie's hair cut and naked boxing

Much, much going on these days... Tuesday, we had Marc's family Seder over here. We only had 12 people, but it was still chaotic and messy and I'm not yet finished cleaning up afterwards. Marc did all the cooking and cleaned as best as he could while he did it, but there was still a ton of dishes and just miscellaneous crap to clean up afterwards. A messy house makes me insane, I am so much more irritable and stressed out when everything is messy - so last night, I stayed up extra late, finished up almost all the dishes (my kitchen is really little, so there wasn't room to wash all of them), swept the floor and tried to find the dining room table. My plan for today is mostly just to stay home and try and restore order to the house. I'm not looking forward to it.

Went to see Cindy, my midwife, yesterday. I'm two centimeters dilated, but the head is still WAY up there, so I could be this way for a while, I guess. The baby looks great - she's still measuring exactly where she should be, isn't as active as she was, but still moving around enough for me to know she's there. I'm having a LOT of contractions, and some of them are pretty uncomfortable. I just want to hold her. I want my baby.

I'm trying to slow down and enjoy this last little bit of being pregnant. This is probably the last time I'll ever experience this, we're not planning on having more. And it's lovely, really, I'm all stuffed with magic, holding a little life inside me. We're closer now than we'll ever be again. She's safe and protected and I can meet her every need just by existing. It'll never be this easy again. I'm trying to remember to enjoy every last second of having Jess be my only girl, of having Sam being my baby. I'm better at that - at really relishing every last moment of before the baby comes, because it'll never be this simple again. It'll be better, I know that, I can't wait to have my baby girl, but this time is special too. Reading to Jess at night is going to get more complicated, snuggling Sam to sleep by himself is going to be a little tougher to figure out when I've got an infant demanding my time and and attention. So I'm just... trying to enjoy the time I have left, instead of driving myself crazy waiting for labor to come.

My beautiful girl decided that her hair was simply too much for her and scalped herself last night. It was in her eyes, and so she snagged the scissors from her art kit and chopped it off. There's a quarter inch at the very front of her hair that's now shorter than Marc's. It doesn't look too bad, but she always looks beautiful to me, so I'm probably biased. I'm going to take her this weekend to get it actually cut and styled. I always thought little girls should have long hair, and have kept hers basically at shoulder length (it doesn't want to grow longer), but she'd like it shorter, and it's her hair. Plus, as she's shown, if I don't get it cut, she'll just cut it herself, so I'm resigning myself to a bob...

My mother got Sam and Jess a Wii. And I already hate it. Sam is madly in love with it, but nowhere near old enough to play it alone and I HATE video games. He played last night, boxing. And had started to get undressed for bed before Marc told him he could play, so I came out of putting (attempting, anyway) Jess to bed to find him stark naked, boxing with air. He was adorable. But he woke up this morning, sobbing because he wanted to play, and has already been on it for a half hour. I finally got him off, and am seriously considering making it a "play only with Daddy" thing.


JoEllen said...

:) i really like your posts Melissa.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much - I think I really needed to hear that today :-)