Monday, March 22, 2010

What is it with little boys and nudity?

Jess liked to be naked too, I guess, but not like this. She didn't have much modesty - but liked clothes on her body. Sam literally would prefer to spend all his time sans clothing. We went thru a two week period when he was just naked all the time, and now I can mostly get clothes on him (because I told him dressing himself was one of his chores - and he understands from Jessica that you have to do your chores), but there are days when he just whips off his jammies and stays naked all day. Perfectly content, and looks confused when I suggest that perhaps a pair of underwear or maybe a t-shirt would not be out of the question.

Part of it is just the penis, I think. He flat out loves that thing. It's got an identity, and apparently requires a lot of what he calls fresh air and play time. (There's going to come a time when he's old enough to read and curious enough to go back far enough in this blog to find this post and will kill me - but I'm okay with that).

Anyway - I'm home today, being lazy. It's overcast and chilly today, raining off and on - so I can't use my pretty new stroller. And I'm just so... out of it. I've got a list of my own chores to do, and absolutely no desire to do any of it. Sink full of dishes, floors that need to be vacuumed, laundry to be folded, and all I want to do is curl up and read. So much for nesting...


Jessi said...

I can 100% sympathize. Aiden stays naked 98% of the time. He too, loves his penis. I can't stand letting/see him run around naked though.

We went to my best friends for dinner Saturday. Aiden was playing with all the kids. We were getting dinner ready and call the kids to come eat and here comes Aiden with his bottoms completely off. Yep, so my kid.

Unknown said...

It's disconcerting, right? I don't want to give him a complex and have tried the whole "parts of our bodies are private and we don't want to show them to everyone" talk a couple of times, but deep down inside, he just doesn't get it. He flat out loves to be naked.

Malcolm Boura said...

I think perhaps the kids are trying to teach us adults a thing or two. If anybody can provide a rational reason for the clothes compulsiveness which besets so much of society I have yet to hear it.