Sunday, May 10, 2009

I take it all back

Jessie got sick, she puked all over the back seat yesterday. And without complaint, without discussion, Marc assumed total and utter responsibility for clean up. He crossed Rte. 9, on a Saturday night, begged papertowels and clean up supplies from strangers, cleaned the entire mess to the point where the backseat is actually far cleaner now than it was before she threw up. I sat in the front seat, with a naked, shivering girl, who was also burning up with a fever and whimpering, cuddled up on my lap. And when it was all done, he gave her his t-shirt to curl into and drove home half naked. (She's much better this morning, thank goodness). I have never loved him more than I did last night.

Fully participating in the parenting, that's my husband :-)

Happy Mother's Day!

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