Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

We had a fantabulous weekend. I had my niece here since Friday afternoon, and it's been delightful. She's eight, and fits in perfectly with my three girls and Sam's so used to having a crowd of adoring females around him, he gets along with her as well. Friday night, I babysat for Harrison and Julia, plus had my two, and Alyssa. Saturday morning, we picked up my stepdaughters and kept them until Sunday night. And we just had one of those perfect weekends, where everything gelled and everyone was fun and cheery and got along well. The kids spent the entire time outside, running around and playing like lunatics - requiring a hard core scrub down each night.

I like having a lot of kids around. I just do - I like the chaos of it, I like the energy and the enthusiasm, I like the way my children are growing up as part of a bigger whole. I like feeling like I'm the matriarch of this huge group. We took them all down to the park on Saturday and Sunday, we hit the GreenHill Park and the Ecotarium. This is what I always wanted. A husband I loved, we worked together perfectly all weekend, and the kids are all beautiful, brilliant and healthy. I really am so incredibly blessed to be living this life.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Thank you for visiting my blog!

It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I love having a bunch of kids around too. I am the happiest then :)