Thursday, May 1, 2008

so so tired this morning

Probably due to a lack of coffee - but I've got my second one beside me and am optimistic about the future. Curious George is on in the living room, all three kids are lulled into contentment with television and cheerios. No major plans for today, it's kind of chilly this morning, so I'll put off my walk with them until this afternoon, hopefully after Harrison goes home, so that I can cram the two toddlers into the double stroller and make my girl walk.

Had a lovely night last night, cleaned my house and put my cherubs to bed nice and early, and Marc got home early enough so that we could hang out before I fell asleep. Still not sure what the plans are for tomorrow... but Jessie has all day preschool, so it'll just be me and my boy :-).

I relented and started letting Jessie watch Hannah Montana. I still worry it's a bit too old for her, but in all honesty, all she watches is the theme song, so it turned out to be a non-issue. She's getting so big so fast...

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