Thursday, November 10, 2011

the joy that is Glennys

My Glennys is back from NH.  She moved up there earlier this summer, and my kids have been bereft and miserable without her.   I honestly can't tell you which one is happier, Jessie, Sam,or Julie.  Glennys is Jessie's best friend, and she's so missing her, but Sam worships Glennys with a love that's so pure and overwhelming.  He literally wants to be right beside her, holding her hand all the time.  Even Julianna, who didn't entirely remember her, is thrilled to betsy to have another buddy here.  As for Marc and I - Glennys really is my fourth child.  Or sixth.  Depending on how you count kids (ahh - the joy of stepmotherhood....)

In other news - we're still homeless.  We've only been looking for a week, but it feels like forever.  I've been to see four places so far, and two of them were... okay.  Not great, but okay.  One was wonderful, but out of our price range and so I'm afraid to hope, and one was just awful.  My stress level is constantly high and it's literally my last thought before I go to sleep and first when I wake up.  And because Julianna is still waking occasionally, I also get to freak out in the middle of the night as well.

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