Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Riding in cars with boys

Or rather, riding in cars with my husband... I realized this weekend that I rarely listen to the radio if I'm in the car with my husband. Alone, or with the kids, I listen to it as loud as possible. Singing loudly and off key to boot. But with Marc in the car, we don't. And it's not just that we don't really like the same music, because we both like classic rock, it's because that's enforced alone time (because we're the only ones in the front seat) and that used to be the time that we got to talk, to hang out. And now, of course, it's mostly just me yelling at the kids to please settle down, or stop yelling - there's not as much joy in it as it used to be. Marc is very focused on the road, forgets to talk unless I prompt him, and I'm worn out from wrestling four kids into the car and shouting back for them to please, for the love of God, stop hitting each other, or stop yelling, etc. If I'm not referee-ing them, I'm mostly just slumped up against the window, vegging out or thinking about what I have to do next.

Not sure if I should try to reclaim the driving "date time" or just start turning the radio on more... that way at least I'd get to sing, and maybe if the music was loud enough, I wouldn't be able to hear the yelling from the backseat.

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