Monday, April 6, 2009

Passover Prep

Marc's off this week... and we're celebrating Passover on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. And Easter on Sunday. The joys of a non-traditional Jewish family. That's now what I like to call it, because my conversion process is moving right along, so technically, we are pretty much a Jewish family - but we definitely aren't traditional. I decorate eggs with my sister every year, we have since Jess was born. For a long time, Jess was an only child, and decorating eggs is really something that's more fun with a lot of kids, so we always did it with my sister and her daughter. And it's tradition, and Jess loves it, and even though I'd be willing to forego it, I can't. Because it's part of Jessie's childhood, and even though I'm very happy with Judaism and can't wait for the conversion process to be done, I have memories and traditions that go along with being a non-Jew - so Beltane/Easter is still a big holiday for my family.

Marc's family has big seders on the first two nights, but they aren't really seders so much as they are just big family dinners. Marc is very traditional about his seder, and wanted to skip the family parties so we could do the actual seder at home. A seder is basically a long, drawn out, elaborate dinner that you eat after you retell the story of Exodus. It's actually my favorite holiday (or as my mother corrected me earlier - my favorite Jewish holiday). Very kid centered and a lot of fun... I suggested a compromise, every year, we do the two seders on the first two nights, and then on the Saturday - we have what we call an Irish Seder. I make my cousin and my friend Annie come and help me cook and it's very laid back and relaxed, but we do the full seder for our friends.

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