Friday, June 13, 2008

Preschool Graduation

I know it's corny. I know that on some level, it is, as my husband keeps insisting, completely meaningless and part of what's contributing to the downfall of Western Society (i.e. the celebration and reward of mediocraty) - but dammit, it was so wonderful. My beautiful girl, standing up there in her little pink "graduation hat", with her shy little smile and sweet dimple winking out at me... I started crying once all the kids assembed and started singing, cried right all the way thru the five songs (including one about how ready they are for kindergarten), thru the diplomas (when she was elected Most Confident), and then the slide show. I kept picturing her when she was born, and then all that led up to her at this point, about to embark on her academic career, and fast forwarding thru until her high school graduation. She was so wanted, so loved, and she's so exactly what I always wanted in a daughter. I wish all the time I could have sent a snapshot of her to myself in my twenties, when all I wanted was a baby girl of my very own, when I thought that I'd forever be the aunt, but not the Mommy. She's so perfect, in all of her imperfect glory - the drama, the temper tantrums, , the singing, the dancing, the cuddles and helpful girl that she's becoming, the tiny girl who snuggled into my arms from the moment she was born. It's amazing to me how much we've been thru together, how much we have yet to experience. She's my angel girl, and I'm so incredibly proud of her. And I'm crying all over again....

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